How to install kodi on usb boot up
How to install kodi on usb boot up

Since you may not want to erase your hard drive you need to be careful with this: usingĪefdisk32 n /allsizewhere n=1,2 …max number of disks you have, find the disk number related to the USB flash disk by matching the disk capacity.

how to install kodi on usb boot up

To extract the files form the original LiveXBMC image. Note that this is needed under XP only, since diskpart in Vista supports removable disks. aefdisk32 – cmd-line partitioning tools.You must be logged as local administrator to perform these steps.

how to install kodi on usb boot up

There may be several variants, but this one works and it’s easy to describe. I have been experimenting with the creation of bootable flash disk under Windows since it is not a trivial process and I have not identified a simple and effective tool doing the job.

How to install kodi on usb boot up